Sunday, June 11, 2023

Birth Plan for Baby Girl Gravlin #3

 Birth Plan for Baby Girl Gravlin

Names: David and Linsey Gravlin

Due Date: June 18th, 2020

Care: McFarland Midwives

Thank you for considering our plan for birth. We have taken Bradley Method classes and would like to have as little intervention as possible and have a natural labor and delivery, so long as baby and mom are not at risk. We realize not everything always goes to plan, but this is what we are hoping.


My support person is my husband, David Gravlin.


I am aiming for a natural, drug-free, vaginal delivery.

Both last pregnancy and this pregnancy have had pre-labor contractions which makes me uncertain as to whether I am in labor or not.

This pregnancy I am GBS positive and so will aim to come in four hours in advance if I can figure out I am actually in labor. I consent to antibiotics if I am early enough for them to be effective. If it's fairly clear I'm too late, I'd rather decline.

I am claustrophobic and hope to minimize mask use if possible, especially if in hard labor or pushing. I will try to work with you if I can handle it at my point in labor. If I make it in time to be four hours before birth, I think I should be able to deal with a mask until my test comes back.

I don’t want my water broken if still intact.

Comfortable position for routine initial EFM strip

Minimize use of external fetal monitor unless reason for concern

Minimize vaginal exams, preferably only when I arrive and when I feel the need to push.

Bradley Method will be used for pain management and I do not want pain medications offered.

I would like to be able to discuss eating or drinking as I feel the need.

Please discuss any interventions with me and my support team before taking action if not an emergency.

Delivery/After Birth

Freedom to choose pushing positions

No episiotomy unless medically necessary, and please discuss with my support team if it is necessary. I understand that with my history, there is a good chance I will need the episiotomy and have made my peace with that.

Immediately place baby on Mom’s chest to breastfeed and bond skin-to-skin and allow cord to pulsate until it has stopped before cutting.

No routine Pitocin after birth unless there is excessive/unnatural bleeding.

Please delay all non-essential medical procedures in order for us to have bonding time after birth.

We decline the routine eye ointment and Hep B vaccine. We accept the Vitamin K shot.

Exclusive breastfeeding with no pacifier, formula, water, or other offerings. I would love for the various lactation-trained personnel to check and advise me on breastfeeding.

If I or my husband test positive for covid-19, we decline to have the baby removed from us.

In the event of a Cesarean

We would like to hold the baby as soon as possible if there are no complications.

We would liket o breastfeed as soon as possible

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